
i had a good time last night. some drinks, lots of food and rockband/karaoke silly stuff. i was even taught on how to make sushi!

some tuna and eel rolls: 

i made my new creation: the Beeho Roll - Eel and salmon. No veggies (seaweed is a protista, not a plant)

He likes it!!

more pics, less words better, huh?


Amy said...

What a coincidence! we made sushi this weekend too! not nearly as fancy as yours tho. i didnt want to risk making people sick, so we just stuck with your simple cali roll. looks like you had fun, we should try it together one day :)

melissa said...

i think that eel is the only seafood thing i can tolerate. and its really not all that great to me.
but hey, looks like you did a good job :)

Philip said...

Really? You would eat raw fish that someone bought from a supermarket?

B.Ho said...

sushi powa!

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