Country Life

It's been decided that I'd try to expand my music list a bit so I wanted to try country. Currently, I am listening to Sara Evans, Carie Underwood, and Shania Twain. The best for me was Carie Underwood then Sara Evans. Shania Twain had some good hits back in the day but the other two were more of my preference. There were no male country artists that appealed to me. Yuck. 
Also, to mix up current music list I got John Legend album Evolver.

Life has been really busy. Going to try and fit in some gym time but not probably until spring break. I will be out of town next sunday. I will try to take pictures since it's in a city I've never been to.

Word of the day: 


1. struck, as with a hard blow.
2. grievously or disastrously stricken or afflicted.
3. very much in love.


Philip said...

Johnny Cash

UtesFan89 said...

Ooh... what city is that?

B.Ho said...

just be patient, sujal.

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