Moment taken out of context

Tiff: "If I had to be rear ended by anyone, I hope it would be him" -explaining her 'car accident' in California. While saying this, I'm looking away trying not to laugh.

To add more.... my list of broken things, my mini ipod of many years died on me about a week ago. but i'm not too upset as i milked the crap out of that thing. replaced battery and custom firmware made me keep it longer. i dropped that thing so many times and it still worked like a trooper. funny, though, what killed it was a small two feet drop onto a rug over hardwood flooring.

phone update: i went back to my treo 700wx because it holds a much longer battery life than the lg enV. Also, I like the custom software i have on it such as this nice threaded sms program and mobile gui theme. just wished this phone was smaller and didn't have that antenna sticking out.

oh, and my bday was last tuesday. 23 years old now! daaam. i hope this year will be a strong jordan year of my life. however, no cake. never had one in who knows since when....

also, i went to the optometrist finally after 4 years. Originally, i had thought it was 2 years since the last check up. The doc, with a funny change in tone, said i should see him every two years. So it's time to get new glasses! my current one is so beat up with scratches and missing parts.


That's the status of my phone that I purchased several weeks ago. It was a samsung sch-i760, which i loved and hated. pros: wifi, touch screen, slide phone with full keyboard, and windows mobile 6 software. cons: touch screen was not as sensitive and accurate compared to my palm treo 700wx; call quality is moderate at best (lots of muffling); the software lagged when i did things too fast or when i slid the keyboard while it was in the middle of processing; bulky but not as bad as the 700wx.

So I was trying to update the 6.0 windows mobile to 6.1 and it failed in the middle of installing, causing it to brick and become very unresponsive.

As of now, I'm using my old old LG enV , which i must say is refreshing. The software is simple cuz it's a stupid phone but texting is fast and navigating is quick. It just doesn't have the capability of organizing like smartphones do. But I think I can live with it for now.

I'm looking into the lg touch or utstarcom blitz for verizon. It's a non-touchscreen smartphone with a keyboard and uses windows mobile 6.0 standard edition software. Possible risk is that it could be sluggish. I wish I could just safely update it to 6.1 and get the goodies like threaded sms.

If you have any suggestions, I'm looking for a good organizing phone that won't require a data plan from verizon. If there is a phone that can do that, I'd like to hear about it. Also, if your suggestion is not a smartphone/pda, i'd be more intrigued. And blackberries require a data plan, in case you were wondering.

I used a lot of if's.


Can't Sreep

Me no sreepy. Actually, I fell asleep around 10 and woke up at 12:30 upon the msging of someone on msn mess. Now I can't return to the state of dreams.

Hm: this weekend was more fun than usual. I went hiking with buddies to big cottonwood area. We drove up to the brighton sky resort, but as we were driving more and more up the mountain the temperature reading was decreasing dramatically to as low as 45 F. brrrr. so we instead drove back down to a lower elevated trail that was too easy but fun, nonetheless.

Then we had a fun bbq later that night. A friend kept saying how good the movie 'hangover' was so others and myself took his recommendation. The movie was pretty crazy funny and offensive. LOl

I have other things I could blog about but my attention just switched to idc anymore mode.

Also: listening to: Queen- Under Pressure