Oh Man....

What a bad start to my day: woke up and sneezed pretty hard. That resulted in bleeding in my right nostril, and this one was hard to stop. Here's a link to the pic of the final blood clot/mucous with the piece of toilet paper on it. WARNING: it's gross but it does look somewhat like a parrot. 


For my first class my teacher never showed up...how am I supposed to hand in the homework now? Then I bought a 75 cent soda with a dollar and the machine didn't give me a quarter back. Things turned around in my next class when I got back my final and earned an A for the class. Yay. 


I just had that itch in my itching nostril that had to be picked on. Gushing blood followed! I rush to the bathroom and I plug the nostril with some toilet paper. But it wasn't enough! The paper had been drowned in the blood so it was replaced with another. While doing so a stream of blood gushes down my face. I apply a damp piece of toilet recycled paper and wait...my nose bleed finally clotted. When the paper was taken out the blood clot on it was huge and slimy. I would have taken a picture but that would probably be too gross for anyone else to see. Unless you really want to see it...


Lately, I've noticed that my nightmares have evolved from when I was a kid. In the old and golden days, my nightmares were of monsters and clowns attempting to hurt me. Today, they are often about me going to school near the end of the semester, and I learn that there is a class that I have no attended the whole semester. And I finally show up to class to learn that there is a final. Then I'll wake up in a layer of sweat (actually, no, I was jk).

Also, I've noticed that Utahn drivers have become worse and more unsafe on the road. Now they'll dare to run straight through red lights. Turrible. Just turrible.


Achtung! Hah! You thought it was going to be achoo. Seasonal allergies are here and I'm being somewhat affected. No need for any pills cuz I'm a man.


School is starting to wind down. Just got tests then follow up finals and I feel good about them. Weather is improving of course.  Nice to have it but it's getting pretty warm at night. My dad doesn't want the a/c on just yet. Darn.

Utah Jazz are in the playoffs at the lowest seed (8th). I dunno if they can pull a road win off the Lakers. But I hope so.

It seems that finally those who were in support of the TARP program are changing their minds after 20 investigations (more to come) into criminal activity have been in the spotlight in the news. Never give money to those who can't even be responsible with their own. Really now...

I have reconfirmed that Five Guys has fantastic burgers.

Also, I've learned first hand that the SLC Tribune online opinion community is filled with many a-holes that live only to demean others with different opinions. Why do they even use up their time for such purposes? I joined while watching the jazz game last sunday and quickly left it before the jazz game ended. 


Here's a comment from a not-so-smart fella on the subject I had participated. Note: if you are this guy, sorry, but you're not too bright from a logical standpoint. So he's quoting and responding from another person's comment:


"Mr. Jones, I got a tax cut that means 30 dollars more per paycheck, and if I were SMART, I'd invest it all into something..."

   You don't really understand what a recession is, do you?
   A recession is a slowdown in spending(I believe we covered this when I was in the 7th or 8th grade). For one reason or another, people spend less. When people spend less, companies they do business sell less. When they sell less, they order less materials and use less advertising. When this happens, the manufacturing and advertising companies slow down. As a result, people get laid off, can't pay their bills, and the whole thing snowballs, getting bigger and bigger. The solution is to get people to spend money again. The reason last year's stimulus didn't help any isn't because Bush is a moron(He still is, mind you), but because people either stuck the money in the bank or paid down debt. This tax stimulus is designed to get you spending that extra $30, whether you buy cokes at the convenience store, go to a movie, or treat the family to dinner. The point is: you are spending money, putting it back into the cyclical flow, and as a result, stimulating the economy. This is a long process, but it should result in the opposite of what I mentioned in the beginning, in short, companies will pick up, they will fill their rosters, and they will do more work.
   Will it work? Who knows, but sticking your money in some investment fund isn't going to do a single thing to pick the economy back up from where it has fallen.

To Mikey1969:
Mikey 1969, you're silly. It's scary that this kind of ignorance is real in a 40 year old where he believes any form of smart investing has no value to the economy. This might suggest that you have no habit or tradition to save and invest any of your income. Or you might actually be saving your money into a bank or credit union without knowing the fact that money is used for investments and economic growth. 

Quick definition of a bank from wikipedia:

A bank is a government-licensed financial institution whose primary activity is to lend in order to increase economic growth. 


Just had In n Out cheeseburger- animal style last night. Ate Five Guys a few weeks ago. Quality-wise Five Guys wins but it's twice the price than the cheeseburger. If you go for quality, Five Guys. If quantity is more important w/o being crap, then In n Out.

I don't think Melissa will like this. Hm.

I shall blog more this week.  :)